AveMix® Microbial Regulators

AveMix® Essence

Selected phytogenic blend

AveMix® Essence is suitable for:

  • Poultry

  • Pigs

  • Ruminants

  • Aquaculture

Contact us for advice on how to optimally implement these products and let Palital guide you!

More info?

Contact us via info@palital.com
or +31 418 840 017

AveMix® Essence

Selected phytogenic blend

AveMix® Essence is a selected blend of phytogenic substances from aromatic plants and spices, which have been standardized and brought together in a micro-encapsulated form. The active components work synergistically together for optimal and higher antimicrobial activity. Supporting gut health with AveMix® Essence results in sparing of energy as well as stimulation of nutrient digestion and absorption for enhanced production performance.

The antimicrobial properties of AveMix® Essence are highly specific, and do not act against beneficial gut bacteria. The micro-encapsulation of AveMix® Essence also ensures that the active compounds are slowly released throughout the intestinal tract. As such, AveMix® Essence targets specific pathogenic microbes along the gut, including different Eimeria spp. in the case of coccidiosis.

The active components of AveMix® Essence are known for their antioxidant as well as antimicrobial properties. This helps animals to minimize the physiological effects caused by stress. In short, AveMix® Essence supports animals to stay healthy and optimally perform.

AveMix® Essence is suitable for:

  • Poultry

  • Pigs

  • Ruminants

  • Aquaculture

Contact us for advice on how to optimally implement these products and let Palital guide you!

More info?

Contact us via info@palital.com
or +31 418 840 017